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Check Your Username: Taken or Available


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Everyone of us has a cool username which we use across multiple web services like email, social networking sites, blogging platforms. What if you could check if the username you use is still available across these services?

If you keep asking yourself - Do I have my username registered across every site that I should? Then you must try Username Check. Enter a username, and it will check if the username is taken or available across a wide range of email services like Gmail, Yahoo; social networking sites like Delicious, Digg, Twitter, Flickr, Myspace; and even blogging services like Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr.

If you are looking to create a new unique username, then again this a great tool to find out if your username is totally unique and available on these services. Then spend the day registering with all these popular tools and get a new web identity.

Register your username: Usernames constitute your unique identity on the web. Its a great idea to register the same username (with different passwords!) across web services so people can track your activity and instantly recognize you online.

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