10 Most Popular Freeware of 2008 for Mac OS Users

The year of 2008 is finishing and it is interesting for everybody to know the most popular and the best of laptops, gadgets, and technology and software tools of 2008. For this aim, while surfing web today, I came across a good article about most popular freeware of 2008 that were downloaded by Mac users.

Here I am just giving the list and links to these software tools. You can read more details about each of them in the original article.

1- Firefox 3

2- Mojo to Download Music

3- OurTunes

4- PwnageTool Jailbreaks


6- Dropbox

7- iTimeMachine

8- Top Draw

9- Songbird


Do you agree with this list? Or do you like to sharewith us your list of most popular freeware of 2008 for Mac users.

Please share with us your opinions in the comment section.
