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How Microsoft see our digital future - now on video


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Some visionaries over at Microsoft Labs have put a lot of hard work and devotion to a video displaying our digital world in 2019. Heavily relying on touch and constant interconnectivity, our digital future looks quite promising - especially to geeks like us.

In 2019 smart office and household devices cater for our needs in the most intuitive way possible. Mobile phones for one, have seen quite a few changes.

We've compiled the following screenshots as a quick how-to for using your phone in 2019.

First off, check your upcoming appointments. Then call the person you are seeing next to confirm the meeting. Video calling is preferred and remember to keep good eye contact. Next call a taxi - use voice dial or punch in the number using the touchscreen dial pad. Simple as that. Leave the rest to the taxi driver and enjoy the flashback of having your morning coffee in a big white computerized cup.

Microsoft Digital Future Microsoft Digital Future Microsoft Digital Future Microsoft Digital Future Microsoft Digital Future

The calendar • Dialling • a video call • touchscreen dial pad • the "smart" coffee cup is a bonus

We bet that after this short intro, you'd certainly appreciate the video (or better yet its short version):

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-GB&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:a517b260-bb6b-48b9-87ac-8e2743a28ec5&showPlaylist=true&from=shared" target="_new" title="Future Vision Montage">Video: Future Vision Montage</a>

And if your are interested in seeing the original 5-minute video in its full glory, take a peak at our source.

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