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OLPC Opening Up hardware Design but Major Laptop Makers not Interested


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When Nicholas Negroponte announced his vision of producing a laptop for just $100 then many people laughed at him and they thought that it would be just a publicity stunt. Well, the price of a OLPC laptop is now almost 200$ and they may feel vindicated about it. However, you have to remember one thing that still, no one have been able to produce a laptop cheaper than Nicholas Negroponte. So, it is a cool news that Nicholas Negroponte has announced that they would open up the hardware design and it would become open source. In other words, anyone would be able to use the hardware design of OLPC laptops.

This is very good news because I just stated that no company has yet been able to produce a laptop cheaper than OLPC. Well, I felt some surprised to see that the major laptop makers are not interested about this matter. Instead, they are thinking of focusing on netbooks.

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