We have heard different news items about testing Android by some laptop makers like Dell, HP, Asus and MSI if they can apply it on their netbooks. It turns out that these rumors are not far from the truth. Dell has taken closer steps and released a Video to compare Android Cupcake with Dell’s custom version of Ubuntu Linux and Ubuntu Netbook Remix while each of these OSes was running on Dell Mini 10v netbook.
Ubuntu Netbook Remix is one of the best open-source OSes run on netbooks. In this video Company technology strategist Doug Anson tries to explain that Android is comparable with those other standout OSes and renders Android as a “snappy” OS that works “very nicely”.
You can see the video after the break.
This video turns out that Dell has lots of internets in Android and will try to customize it in the way to be suited to its netbooks. However, Dell refuses to show this openly and in the video Anson mentions that Dell has no plan to release any product with pre-installed Android.
It doesn’t sound reasonable for me that Dell has no plan but releases a video specifically to run Android on it’s the most budget-friendly netbook. Because Dell is not a software company!
What do you think? Do you agree with me?