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CrunchPad Tablet: A NETBOOK seemed a Kindle!


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Michael Arrington, founder of the highly popular network and Techcrunch standout is no stranger to most of the regular readers of technology! Doing Tablet NETBOOK Kindle seems more than any Tablet PC or NETBOOK that could do (I think) the name of your network as a famous brand of equipment shortly thereafter.

As you can see in the image below, the first course should be a picture of Amazon Kindle (an electronic reader), but it is not.

NETBOOK CrunchPad is a tablet that has the ability to surf the Internet and basic computer operation as a short-NETBOOK storage and reading news readers news. This Atom-based 12-inch Tablet is as thin as 18 mm with a wrapping of aluminum case has no keyboard.

However, no information about their hardware specifications, but I do not think that price might be more expensive than a NETBOOK expensive! It is certainly very soon!

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