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Microsoft vs Google : How to make money?


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I can not find the thinking blog entry was written by Saul Hansell: Are free licenses Groups trademark? Of the title, you can understand that the writer had spoken of groups of a way to earn money. In the old days, using Microsoft and Apple to the fighting and accused each other's good money from consumers. Google has emerged through a new strategy. Work has begun to give everything free. I think Gmil. I'm the biggest fan of a blogger. Here, you can get a huge amount of space, and almost unlimited bandwidth and groups to none for it. Instead, the main objective is to earn money through advertising programs. Therefore, you can get many requests from groups that are amazing is excellent. One of my favorite things is the Google for domains.

Microsoft has reflected the style to make money. They love to sell their products. Perhaps this is why they lost to groups in the Internet. Microsoft is not good to give free products.

With the arrival of Chrome the operating system, and we will see the business model that thrives in our time.

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