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World's Thinest Laptop is DELL ADAMO XPS


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You know that Dell has been trying to build world’s thinnest laptop, and keeping that in mind, Dell unveiled much-rumored Adamo 13 in January in order to prove the rumors true. On Wednesday, Dell unveiled Adamo XPS which is thinner than its predecessor Adamo 13.

Adamo XPS is measured at 9.9 mm or 0.4 inches at the thinning point, while Adamo 13 was 16.39 mm or 0.65 inches thin at the thinnest point. However, the company has not revealed specifications of the laptop. Dell termed the laptop a ‘design concept’, but it is not yet clear if Dell would really produce a product like this. Even if it does, there is no specific date when it is going to release Adamo XPS.

However, it is pretty much understandable that if Dell really decides to produce this laptop for large scale shipping, then Apple MacBook Air, which is currently considered to be world’s thinnest laptop, would face huge challenge.

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