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Pay Just Extra $50 for ION, Play World of Warcraft with your Netbook


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ION platform is only adding $50 extra to anetbook based on Tom platform but it will boost the graphics performance 10 times more while delivering decent battery runtime.

ION platform will experience its first launch by Lenovo IdeaPad S12 netbook in August onwards. Lenovo has claimed this upcoming netbook will promise 6 hours battery runtime and playing mainstream games like Spore, Sims, Call of Duty 4, and World of Warcraft (however, you will only sometimes suffer delay or small pause or missing one frame).

Senior product manager Matt Wuebbling explains the major advantages of ION platform in a conversation that he had with Laptop Magazine:

- ION platform sports HDMI because of its ability of outputting HD 1080p video. Even it is able to play back HD and Blu-ray movies through external Blu-ray drive, transcode video flawlessly and let the user surf the web simultaneously.

“However, ION won’t help when it comes to streaming HD video online.”

- “ION will allow users to benefit from graphics-accelerated video editing programs like vReveal.”

- IdeaPad S12 is able to play mainstream games like Spore, and World of Warcraft on its display with 1280 x 800 native resolution by the means of ION. However, “You might see hitching or a missed frame once in a while.”

Matt Wuebbling thinks that ION “turns netbooks to notebooks”.

DO you agree with him?

If he is right what will happen to AMD Neo and Intel’s CULV processors and what will happen to the future of the newly made ultra low-cost laptop category? I think AMD and Intel will insert these two CPUs into ION Platforms if it achieves the success of 10 times performance over Atom platform.

Do you agree with me?

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