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Apples and saw 25% growth in Mac sales in May indicating no effect for the Microsoft Mobile AD Hunter


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Microsoft came up with a television advertisement in May entitled 'Mobile Hunter', which many thought, would have a negative impact on their laptops, Apple Mac very successful. Also, the reality looks different now. Apple written sales growth of 25% in Mac sales in May while the overall growth of the mobile phone market is just 1% and, therefore, making no reference to any impact of television advertising on sales of Apple Mac. Instead, there are some analysts who believe that the ad campaign for Microsoft helped Apple Macintosh in order to promote a kind of portable computers in increased sales.

However, there are some other people who believe that Apple may have developed the best for Mac, Microsoft has not launched a campaign portable Hunter. Also, it is not easy to say what can happen to the Mac if there is no such a declaration, but one thing is for sure that Apple Macintosh is going very well, even though almost $ 2000 costs amid the cash-strapped world economy, and there There are a number of notebooks that are available for half of the charges as a Mac laptop.

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