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No Chrome OS in 2010 by Google!


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This is bad news for everyone, not just waiting for Chrome OS, but also for cloud computing. Google CEO Eric Schmidt said at the Web 2.0, the peaks of the company wanted to launch Chrome OS in the coming months. He did not give a specific date or month.
What is the months of sense? It is available at the CES 2011 in January or March or in May? Eric Schmidt gave no specific cause for the delay in Chrome OS.
It was previously thought that Chrome OS would on any day in November 2010 or be launched this month. It is to be the first major operating system for cloud computing.

If you have enough time then why not look at the YouTube videos in Google's CEO Eric Schmidt spoke about many things in

One interesting stat Eric Schmidt gave was the matter that in YouTube in every minute, 35 hours of video content are uploaded by people around the world.

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Google Docs files can be edited from mobile phone


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Google has announced that from now on, Google Docs files can be edited out of the phone. Of course, you need a good phone to get the best result, but smart phones are growing at a fast pace in the rich coutnries get as millions of people that would benefit. Right now, mobile phone users do not have a significant investment of working with documents and presentations to be charged in files. So to win this function deals to consumers.
To edit your files, you must visit this URL docs.google.com from your phone and then log into your account and do what you want.
Google Mobile Blog:
In the next few days, we roll this iPad English users around the world on with Android Froyo (version 2.2) and IOS devices (version 3.0 +), including the. We will include support for other languages soon. And as before, we also support the processing of tables from your mobile device's browser.

Google has recently given much attention to smart phones and tablet devices. It is a good move by the company to expand its user.

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European Union offers $ 21.4 for Cloud Computing Vision Research


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This is good news for all people, which is the cloud-computing technology of the future to believe. European Union to U.S. $ 21,400,000 for Vision Cloud (Virtualized Storage Services Foundation for the Future Internet) project. Companies such as IBM, Siemens and SAP, and some universities are involved in this project. The main objective of the project is to explore for better technology in the context of cloud computing.
Perhaps the biggest threat, obstacle and challenge behind the development of cloud computing technology is the feat of security.The vision of cloud project, try to be explored to address these concerns. Another topic would try to address them is data mobility.
It is a good step in the right direction. U.S. government should also this issue very seriously. IBM, Microsoft and Google these 3 tech giants have already cloud computing very seriously. United Nations should also consider. World Bank and IMF should try to follow the governments of all countries, projects take on cloud computing.

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