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Facebook and Laptop Theft


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It is a funny story but a true story. I feel that there is some elements in this story that can easily become a Hollywood movie. Corey Kinney is just 19 years old and he was in a Starbucks shop in Bradenton USA. He is perhaps addicted to Facebook like many people. Then, he felt the urge to check his profile and he had no desktop or laptop there. So, he saw another person using his laptop and he requested the person to lend him the laptop to check his Facebook profile. The laptop owner did not agree and Corey Kinney felt the urge to steal the laptop.

It is not clear whether Corey Kinney could check his profile or not but he got caught by the police and it may put him into deep trouble. It is clear that he will have a bad future for this offense. Well, I know that some people are too much addicted to Facebook and Twitter. Thanks God that I do not have any account to any of them and I am free to pursue my career in blogging.

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